Creator: Minh-Tri Ho
Administrator: Minh-Tri Ho
Creation Date: May 2016
Technical Development
v0.18: The power of excitement
When you get into a project, it is important to get excited. That is what is going to give you the fuel to make that project move forward. I am the passionate type. When I get into a project, I can get overly passionate. For two days, all I have done was to think, dream, code about this website. I came onto some big bugs that took me hours to fix, I came onto issues that had me rethink the whole architecture of the website. But it has been improving quite a lot since my last news.
I named this version 0.18 because it is almost 0.2. For me, we will reach v0.2 when the message system will be fully operational. That is the heart of the website after all. And we are almost there. The system is mostly working, but I still have to work on some aspects to make it truly perfect. On the other hand, I have also been working on some small improvements here and there that are not part of the big project, but that make it cool. I hope you will like it as much as I do.
Until next time!
v0.1 - First Draft
Welcome to my new Penpal Website. I am really excited to start this new project, where I hope to bring people from all countries together. Few years ago, I was really interested in meeting new people around the world, but it was really hard for me to find a good place to do that. I hope that through that website, people can come here to have fun, talk with really interesting people, and discover exciting things they did not know about. My biggest emphasis will be on respect and tolerance. Aside from that, enjoy and let's go for an adventure!